we want you in our video
To celebrate how unique, beautiful, and creative you all are, we’re asking you to help us make a music video for our brand new song “I Got Love”. This song is about using love as a guiding light in a time of hardship, so please keep it positive! We'll use as many videos as we can!

Submit Your Video

Sorry, submissions are now closed
To participate, you just need to submit a minimum 30 second horizontal video. Be your unique and creative selves, whether that’s dancing, singing, making art, or just vibing to “I Got Love”... Surprise us!
Contest Closes Saturday March 13th 11:59PM EST
Preferred Video Requirements:
  • - Horizontal/landscape Video
  • - 16x9 ratio
  • - Minimum 1280x720 resolution
  • - MP4 or MOV file format
  • - Max. 30MB file size
  • - 24FPS or higher
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